KONZERTE   |    CLUBS   |    RADIO   |    CDs   |    LÄDEN   |    ALL THAT JAZZ   |    DIVERSES   |
Paco Serrano : saxophone;
Guillaume Pique : trombone;
Gérald Gimenez : guitar;
Guillaume Gendre : double bass;
Loris Pertoldi : drums
0001078925 21 Alfie Ryner (fr) stubnitz
Alfie Ryner is an electric quintet coming out of turbulent waters of today\’s jazz. Alfie Ryner plays Jazz Trash, turbulent music, blending bass and synths, acoustic brass and electronic machines, natural sounds and sounds that explode, whispering, roaring … Alfie Ryner distills music\’s aesthetic boundaries, energetic music, dense, cinematic. An explosive and electric music, dark and massive. Music that tells stories, which borders as much on trance as math rock. Music that feeds image and poetry. Alfie Ryner is five elegant and poisonous individuals who speak with one voice.
Termin-Infos und Anfahrt
10 EUR
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MS Stubnitz webfoto Alfie Ryner (fr) stubnitz
Die MS Stubnitz im Hamburger Hafen

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