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Stefan Pasborg - drums;
Niclas Knudsen - guitar;
Jeppe Tuxen - hammond organ
Foto Ibrahim Electric 051215 Fantastische Musik #011 IBRAHIM ELECTRIC cvjm
Die drei sind jeder für sich hoch angesehene Instrumentalisten und gehören auch mit diversen anderen Projekten in Dänemark und auch weltweit zu begehrten Musikern diverser Jazzstile.Mit Ibrahim Electric scheinen sie ihr vor allem ihrem Spass am Absurden und Hemmungslosen nachzugehen. Danke dafür!

Und hier die begeisterten Pressestimmen:

’’Do you remember the feeling of listening to a band for the first time and being completely blown away by the sheer majesty of the performance? For those of you who have experienced this, be prepared for it to happen again. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, you will understand. Prepare yourself for Ibrahim Electric!” – Hammondbeat, USA

“Ibrahim Electric ‘kicks ass’! These 3 young musicians display some seriously large reserves of energy… This is better than Viagra!” – Information, DK

“Dance, freak out, headbang – or smoke some grass and eat some funny mushrooms. No matter how you listen to Ibrahim Electric you’ll have to agree that they have an effect on your body like an all-time total orgasm!” – Jazz Special, DK

“Gets under your skin and into your blood faster than a Ganges parasite… with their irresistible guitar motifs and cantering percussion, Ibrahim Electric could be the soundtrack for a spaghetti western in Mali” – All About Jazz, USA

“.. one of the most popular European jazz groups…These 3 personal instrumentalists have – besides the popularity with this group – made a name for themselves as some of the most striking on their respective instruments in Scandinavia.”

“The Danish trio never disappoints.Their quirky – provocative – extroverted – original music sticks its fingers into just about every musical cookie jar… and sends cascades of pearls from the speakers.”

IBRAHIM ELECTRIC’s style is not for the pedantic. There are elements of old fashioned soul/jazz – AFRObeat – 60’s acid-power-beat – and of course the trio’s trademark: the fast, almost-punk passages in which the three musicians merge into one playful organism.

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Ibrahim Electric liefern Stoff für einen dadaistischen Tanzboden. Das Orgel-Gitarre-Schlagzeug-Trio besteht aus ungestümen Grenzgängern, die immer wieder von Soul über Jazz zu Afrobeat und Blues hüpfen und mit ihrer „Hammond B3“-Orgel die Swinging Sixties und Psycheldelic zum Leben erwecken.
Termin-Infos und Anfahrt
Vorverkauf: 17 EUR,
Abendkasse: 20 EUR
(für mögl. Ermäßigungen s. Seitenleiste)
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 Fantastische Musik #011 IBRAHIM ELECTRIC cvjm

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